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celina 4195864309 E-mail: jessica
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I would like to take the time and say hello. I am a Independent Distributor for Enchanted Hollow. Right now I am holding a free candle drawing (no strings attached). What you do is email me at and in the subject please put candle drawing. On April 2 I will draw a name and send the winner a email to ask them what scent they would like and there address. Then the candle will be sent to them in 2-3 weeks. Thats it no strings attched like I said. The Candle is a beanpot candle from Enchanted Hollow and is priced at $5.99. I will be honest this is away for get the Enchanted Hollow name out there and to let people know I sell for Enchanted Hollow. Also I have a sale going on untill 4/1/07 if you are thinking of selling candles and want to become a Distributor. Right now untill 4/1/07 I will double your starter kit if you sign up and join my team.
Email me at
Vist my site to learn more