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Sault Ste Marie 8665956497 E-mail: cory corrado http://www.facedoctor.ca
Our specialties:
Are you searching for a natural and safe solution to wipe out the teen acne problems you have? The best natural teen acne treatment which is 100 % effective is now available from Facedoctor which is an established brand of effective teen acne soaps. The teen acne soaps from facedoctor are prepared with ingredients that work like a miracle in wiping out teen acne within few days. One of the key ingredients of these soaps is time-honored acne medicine sea buckthorn oil which has everything to fight against teen acne without creating any allergies or irritation on your skin. These soaps work by regulating the hormonal imbalance and inflammation and can prevent acne for quite a long time.
Our products are available at Wal Mart, Shoppers Drug Mart, Lawtons Drugs, Ultra food & drug, Pharmasave, Sobeys, and other fine pharmacies.Please call 1-866-595-6497