Health and Personal Care
Charlotte, NC US 28209 704-780-0166 E-mail: Dr Matthew McAlees http://chiropracticofcharlotte.com/
Our specialties:
Carolina Chiropractic of Charlotte is on a mission to bring you the latest health advice on topics such as: weight loss, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, hormone imbalance, depression, childhood disorders such as ADHD and autism, sports training, even the common cold.
Carolina Chiropractic of Charlotte focuses on setting people free from their current health conditions so they can live their lives to their fullest potential. Carolina Chiropractic of Charlotte also helps people gain victory in their health by offering solutions with cutting-edge structural corrective chiropractic care, diet, nutritional supplements, exercise and creating a customized health plan.
The mission of Dr. McAlees is to save lives in Charlotte and around the world. The Journal of American Medical Association has shown that heart disease kills 800,000 people per year and cancer kills 700,000, while diabetes and childhood obesity are rising to epidemic proportions. Studies have established that approximately 90% of all diseases are lifestyle-induced, so we know that by making lifestyle changes millions of lives can be saved.
Our vision is to see a healthier Charlotte by empowering people to make changes in their health and their life. We want to see ALL people living the abundant life God has promised, and we hope you will join our mission to SAVE CHARLOTTE… SAVE THE WORLD.