Health and Personal Care
Royal Palm Beach,FL 5613338353 E-mail: Dr. Matthew Symons http://maximizedlivingdrsymons.com
Our specialties:
Dr. Matthew Symons was born on September 14th 1972 in the suburbs of New York City. Dr. Symons spent the first two weeks of his life in an incubator with acute viral pneumonia. Due to this illness, his respiratory system was weakened and he came down with bronchial infections every year, including two more bouts of pneumonia, until the age of 17. While wrestling in high school, Dr. Symons experienced a spinal injury. After months in pain, he sought out the services of a chiropractor. After receiving adjustments to remove the pressure off of his spinal nerves, Dr. Symons was well. He was free not only from the pain he was feeling due to the trauma, but also he has not had bronchitis or even a cold that has lasted more than a day since. It was this phenomenon that provoked Dr. Symons to seek a career in chiropractic. After doing his undergraduate studies at the University of Arizona and SUNY Albany, Dr. Symons went to Logan College of Chiropractic in Chesterfield, MO.