Retail, Wholesale Mechandisers
Chicago, IL 60634 (773) 725-1810 E-mail: Cigar Aficionado Blog
Our specialties:
A few years ago, Quintero Londres Extra cigars were machine made, but today they are all hand crafted sticks. These cigars are known for their traditional look, 100% authentic Cuban taste and for their accessible price. I am not very fond of Quintero brand, but still I found these cigars to be delicious and extremely enjoyable, especially with a cup of hot coffee.
Appearance & Construction
As I’ve mentioned earlier, these sticks have a rustic, traditional Cuban look. They have a brown, oily wrapper, with lots of thin veins and which is releasing a tempting odor of raw tobacco. Even if it is not an elegant cigar it is still attracting the attention. The construction is very fine made. The cigar is firm and it has no defects on it. It is very consistent, and this can be noticed upon ignition, which is extremely easy to be done. The draw is perfect, and the cigar lit is giving freedom to a thick, white and aromatic smoke.
A Quintero Londres Extra cigar is filled with aromas. The first third of the cigar brings into your mouth notes of soil, qualitative tobacco, wood and grass. The second third of the cigar is filled with notes of walnuts, earth, wood and some subtle spiciness. The last third is highly complex as you will find there all the notes mentioned above into a perfect balance. For 30 minutes you will enjoy each puff released by this stick. You shall see that even a cheap cigar can offer to an aficionado some great moments of relax and pleasure.
Quintero Londres Extra cigars are excellent sticks for a perfect afternoon. They are valuable cigars that should not miss from anyone’s humidor.