Professional Services
33143 3057857633 E-mail: Thom Greg http://www.bikramhotyoga305.com/
Our specialties:
Bikram Hot Yoga 305 in South Miami is a place to call your own. An inspiring, exciting, yet familiar environment to wake up your senses while pushing your mind and body above and beyond its comfort zone. Find yourself surrounded by a healthy support system of knowledgeable and encouraging teachers and friends. Bikram Hot Yoga 305 can help one to acknowledge their limits with an open mind and heart, warmed by the very essence of Bikram, Heat! The postures of Bikram not only keep you in peak physical form naturally, the added heat allows for your body to release toxins and gain flexibility quickly with the safety of warmed muscles. Bikram Hot Yoga 305 is a venue where one can do yoga, pilates, build their strength, confidence and health from the inside out, with the support of the Hot Yoga community.