Business Opportunities
Coppell, TX 75019 866-632-6577 E-mail: Solo Protect http://www.soloprotect.com/us
Our specialties:
SoloProtect employee monitoring for lone worker safety, utilizes Identicom® employee safety devices with Kings III industry leading emergency communications and employee monitoring systems to deliver a safety solution unprecedented in the U.S.
The SoloProtect worker safety solution utilizes the Identicom employee monitoring device to communicate with the Kings III Emergency Dispatch Center. Operating over the cellular network, the SoloProtect solution captures GPS location information and enables users to discreetly open a voice channel to a specialized monitoring center when they feel at risk. Operators trained and certified in emergency communications monitor the situation and contact the appropriate authorities if an encounter escalates. Kings III call centers have direct access to 911 and emergency services across the country and within Canada and other parts of North America.