Issaquah, Washington, 98029 206-905-1444 E-mail: Sylvia Porter http://asvabbootcamp.com/
Our specialties:
ASVAB Boot Camp is an online exam preparation site offering ASVAB study materials to help military applicants prepare for their military entrance exam. Ours is a team of leading subject matter experts and e-learning pioneers who work together to bring out the best ASVAB study material and practice tests that are out there on the web. In addition, all our study materials, practice tests and study workshops are designed by top instructional designers to make them highly illustrated and interactive in nature for better understanding of the concepts. Our online study material is based on the four sections of the ASVAB entrance exam, Arithmetic Reasoning, Word Knowledge, Mathematics Knowledge and Paragraph Comprehension. 60 days from purchase, one can avail the online study material anytime of the day, any number of times. Practice tests will be provided to help the applicants with memory retention and the tests are designed to have the same look and feel as the computerized ASVAB exam. The practice tests will also include answer results containing detailed explanations as to why the right answers are correct. All our ASVAB online courses, practice tests and study workshops are compatible with all PCs, Macs, major browsers, tablets/iPads and smart phones; and a high speed internet connection is a must to watch them online. For more on ASVAB Boot Camp’s study materials and practice tests, visit asvabbootcamp.com