Vehicles For Sale
Denver, CO 80204 303-484-8518 E-mail: Robert Wiens http://www.smallplanetebikes.com/denver-electric-bikes
Our specialties:
Small Planet E Bikes' mission is to help make our small world a better place by providing sustainable transportation options in the form of light electric vehicles. We believe an electric vehicle infrastructure will go a long way toward improving our small planet. At SPEB, we aim to profit as a company by leading the sustainable transportation revolution. We believe in the truth behind the Cree Native American proverb: Only when the last tree has died, the last river has been poisoned, and the last fish has been caught, will we realize that we can't eat money. We feel that it is our duty to encourage a societal evolution that ensures self interest and idealism will one day converge. Come in today and visit our Denver location next to the Denver Civic Theater located in the Sante Fe arts District.