Construction and Home Repair
Houston, TX 77007 855-355-4743 E-mail: STILES MANUFACTURING LLC http://www.truegridpaver.com/
Our specialties:
TrueGrid is a modern, cost-effective, LID (Low Impact Development) permeable paving solution for many applications that provides a variety of long-term tangible rewards. Choose only TrueGrid if you're looking for a grid paving system that adds appeal, cares for the environment, costs less than other solutions and lasts for years under heavy traffic.
We continually develop and refine TRUEGRID to earn our place as the leader in the permeable paving industry. TRUEGRID's engineered design is on the cutting edge of Low Impact Development (LID), green paving, and storm water management technology, keeping TRUEGRID true to your project and true to the environment.
We build relationships with local communities all around the country to promote awareness and use of TRUEGRID. We work with the engineering, architecture, shipping, construction, and design industries by providing effective paving solutions that are friendly to the environment and to your bottom line.
TRUEGRID is what we do. Our team works all day to find the fastest, most affordable, and most convenient route to your project directly from our nearest factory. We know permeable paving technology. We are here to answer your questions, anything from price per square foot to installation recommendations. Contact us today to learn more about TRUEGRID.