Retail, Wholesale Mechandisers
Arlington, TX 76001-7758 817-572-0366 E-mail: Harold Thomas http://www.gecscales.com/gec-scales/technology-2/
Our specialties:
General Electrodynamics Corporation (GEC) Scales is the premium aircraft and truck weight & balancing servicer. With over 50 years of engineering indestructible heavy weighing technology, GEC sets the standard for aircraft and truck weighing systems. As the inventor of the very first heavy-duty portable wheel-load weigher is second to none in technology that combines convenience and precision. We go to any facility in the world to ensure airworthiness aircraft and road ready trucks by:
-Using scales with 20,000-pound capacity and only weigh as little as 38 pounds
-Being the only manufacturer that engineer, designs, tests, and services the end user directly
-Being the only manufacturer with US Military accreditation to conduct weight and balance training
-Catching defects early to correct at a lower cost
We prefer to take care of your weighing and calibrations for you but if you’re a do-it-yourself company, we can support and train you to use GEC technology.
After a GEC purchase we follow up with you to exceed your needs. A GEC system purchase includes an instructional manual with detailed online operational training. Our courses cover how to master the Aircraft Weight & Balance Systems Software (AWBS). We’ll train you using web-based sessions and powerpoint presentations on component verification, equipment preparation, and weigh simulation for your specific airframe.
Cutting cost can be a constant battle for companies who utilize aircraft and trucks in their business. But When your company gets our AS91000 certification you’ll lower production costs, increase operating margins, and even gain more business thru organizational requirements.
GEC Scales has serviced over 120 foreign countries, and we continue to perfect our technology, weighing, and calibration every year.
A few of our technology and service customers include:
-Lockheed Martin
-Southwest Airlines
-United Airlines
-U.S. Airlines
Our product support staff is on call 24 hours a day for service, parts, and repairs to reduce your revenue draining down-time. If you call us, an FAA repair station licensed technician can be at your facility in as little as 48 hours. Once a solution is identified, our global shipping department will ship parts to you anywhere in the world quickly.
By instilling the highest level of quality in our manufacturing and assembly processes, we will surpass the value of products and services that you will expect. Contact us today to see the difference in your aircraft and trucks calibration.