- Huntingdon County

  • Industrial Goods and Services

    Metal Worx Express
    109 Pike Road, Unit G, , PA
    Huntingdon Valley
    E-mail: Bill Lysun

    Our specialties:

  • Stainless steel flanges
  • Stainless stell valves
  • Aluminum flanges, Carbon steel flange

    Metal Worx Express was created from 25 plus years of experience in the industry including a valuable combination of operations, sales and purchasing skills. The thing that we emphasize the most is our customer service — we are committed to giving you the best service in the industry to keep you coming back. We always look forward to quoting your requests and being a committed partner for business success.

    Business Location:
    [ Yahoo! Maps ]

  • Metal Worx Express - Huntingdon County - Pennsylvania - Administration
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