Contact admin to correct misunderstanding. 770-377-9991 Cranston, RI 02921 401-632-0203 E-mail: Eric Fruge http://www.AsphaltServiceInc.com
Our specialties:
Asphalt Service Inc. specializes in paving for roads, driveways, highways, parking lots, and more. The company is licensed in Rhode Island and is a minority-owned and operated business. Asphalt Service Inc. specializes in tar & stone / macadem services and general asphalt pavement services. Every day of the week Asphalt Service Inc. works for its clients to help them get the best asphalt pavement in Rhode Island.You can call us for a free estimate.You can call us with questions as Blacktop Experts. There are no silly questions.Do you know the difference between Blacktop and Asphalt?How long does the process take?What happens to asphalt pavement or driveways in the winter?
Hours of Operation: