Health and Personal Care
Colorado Springs, CO 80908 719-323-6414 E-mail: Sparky Parker http://www.pilatescoloradosprings.com
Our specialties:
Colorado Springs Pilates was established as a cooperative for highly skilled, experienced, and professionally certified Pilates instructors to collaborate and provide Pilates Reformer, Pilates Mat, and Group Fitness Pilates to the communities in and around the Colorado Springs Front Range. Pilates is a highly advanced fitness system solutions that improves flexibility, strength, balance, and endurance. Pilates is a proven program for high performance athletes, injury rehabilitation, and assisting physical therapy. And the best part is that Pilates can be practiced at any age and any skill level and achieve great benefit. Excellent for training and improving optimum posture and alignment. Pilates is enjoyed by many of our young at heart seniors as well.