Professional Services
Contact admin to correct misunderstanding. 706-335-3841 St. Louis, MO 63133 (314) 328-7934 E-mail: Mike Service http://www.cleaningservicestlouis.weebly.com
Our specialties:
Hello and welcome to Cleaning Service St. Louis where we clean just about anything! If you are looking for a Cleaning service in the st.louis or surrounding areas then look no further. We offer nothing but the best cleaning service in st.louis. Our cleaning service has stepped outside of the box by offering a maid service to our st. louis residents also. We are known around the town to offer some of the best janitorial service at the most affordable rates so why not choose us? Our house cleaning service is by far the most affordable on the list, Cleaning Services St. Louis are the heart of what we do. We are all about making your life Better, Greener, & Cleaner. Founded in St. Louis, MO.