Items For Sale
Wasilla Ak. 99654 907-373-4000 E-mail: Lloyd http://
Our specialties:
Hi my name is ARTIC, I'm a Stunning 1-1/2yr.old Appy/Quarter Horse Colt. I'd make a Fantastic Christmas Present, I'd also make you a great Companion and Friend. I'm very Healthy and Good Lookin, Please come see me, I need a Home for Christmas. All this for only $970 an 1 months Free Hay. I'm a Steal, PLease call NOW!! 907-373-4000 Pt. Mackenzie Alaska.. I'm near Anchorage
Only Serious Calls Please!! I'm the younger of us two Males on the ranch, with all these Ladies. One of us has got to go. Guess who got picked, Me. So Please call (907) 373-4000 or Email to: rowdy1@olypen.com