Professional Services
West Chester, Ohio 45069 513-895-5400 / 888-246-4927 E-mail: Dale Dorning http://www.precisioninvestigations.com
Our specialties:
Precision Investigations & Consulting is a Full Service, Licensed and Insured Private Investigation Agency that provides Comprehensive, Professional and Confidential Investigative Services to Clients all over the Globe through our Worldwide Contacts that are Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Precision Investigations & Consulting Employees are Highly Professional, Well Trained, Motivated Experts who Produce the Most Professional Investigative Product Available. We are Committed to providing You, the Client, with Results! Our Extensive Experience in Law Enforcement and in the Private Sector Ensures that Your Case will be dealt with Promptly and Professionally at a Fair Price.
We are Experienced at Providing Services to Law Firms, Large Corporations, Insurance Companies, Small Businesses and Individuals. We Treat each Client with Respect and Concern for their Particular Situation.