Professional Services
New Haven CT (293) 469 35 20 E-mail: advantagedcleaningservices@yahoo.com http://
Our specialties:
Our services are tailor-made to suit each individual as and when it's needed. You could be a busy mother or a busy businessman/woman, whoever you are, if you are struggling after a long, hard day and the last thing you want, is having to worry about household chores.
We not only provide the cleanliness you desire in your house/office, but also the reliability, trust, and thoughtfulness you expect from your own employees.
Our cleaning service is supervised, and all work is provided in a professional manner. Our only objective is to please you with the quality of our service. We do more for you, than what is expected of a typical cleaning service.
We do not claim perfection, but we promise pride, quality and perseverance.
Since you are not bound to any contract, our only security is your day-to-day satisfaction. You will be pleased with the difference a professional service can make in the appearance and cleanliness of your home/Office.