Professional Services
Derry, NH -03038 603-437-1636 E-mail: Nathalie Ouellette http://www.lilangelsfamilychildcare.com
Our specialties:
Lil' Angel's Family Daycare take's great pride in our services & how these services go above & beyond others within this field! I have worked hard to get to where I am today and I hope to be able to show you just how hard!
What We Offer:
* Child Care Facility opened in 1994.
* Fully Licensed.
* Fully Insured* Fully Credentialed.
* Open 52 weeks a year
* Credentialed 4X over.
* Bachelors in ECE
* CPR & First Aid Certified
* Recieptient of the Henery Morgan award in 2007. This is issued to those child care providers
in NH, who show excellence in child care.
* USDA food program participant.
* Founder of the PFCCNA (Professional Family Child Care Networking Association).
* All meals (even supper if you need it) at no additioanl costs.
* Flat rates (ALL THE TIME). This means your payments don't change on a weekly basis like at
other places.
* Emergency care offered.
* Pre-school.
* Pre-K.
* Kindergarten.
* Potty Training.