Personal or Family Pages
Forestville,CA,95436 (707) 887-2163 E-mail: Eleanor http://
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I am Looking for my Birthmother she lived in Syracuse N.Y and went to Buffalo to live with grandparents until I was born, she was 15 so I am told) at time of my birth. I was born Feb.28, 1963 at Booth Memorial in Erie Was told my birthname was Rebecca Ann Adelson .the adopting agency was Jewish Family Services of Erie She had a brother in college at the time of my birth I was told he was in California Any information is valuable
Birth Cert.#18416. Possibly connected with a James Adelson or David A. Adelson
Added information found Surrogate court of Erie William J. Regan Albert E Deemer
And delivery R.N E.creenan or Creanan
Please contact me at
I currently live in California so searching is somewhat tough, you can only do so
much on a computer
Respectfully yours, Eleanor Francis